11 December 2004

I am going Charity Shopping...

I am going Charity Shopping these days. I have a brand new 70s council house to decorate.

And I am going Charity Shopping these days. I've helped the children, the people with heart problems, the deaf-mutes, people with cancer, mentally impaired people, and finally, British cats and dogs. I've heard that Kenilworth is Charity Shop Paradise, so I'm planning to go there next week... what a plan!

I have lots of useful things now, but I missed several for taking too long thinking whether I really needed something. So I finally didn't get the pink 70s telephone that they were selling for £3.
I can't turn my house into an ecological house fuelled by solar energy (we are, indeed, in the dark ages in England...), but what I can do is choose not to buy a colonial-style cheap wooden table and chairs from Woolworths made in Thailand, and instead choose and buy a table that most probably belonged to an old lady who lived with seven cats and a husband and who would talk about charity shops over tea with her neighbour.

-- Did you know, Agnes, that there are no charity shops in Spain?

-- Is that so, Rose?

-- It is, indeed, Agnes, my daughter emigrated there.

-- So what do they do in the weekend then?

-- Not sure...My daughter said something about mountains and beaches

-- Maybe that's where they have the charity shops in Spain then

-- Yes, you are probably right, Agnes

-- Mmmmm... Could I have a little more Christmas Pudding, Rose?

-- Certainly, Agnes, it was on offer in Marks & Spencer

-- I'll have to come by tomorrow then, think it will rain?

-- Don't know, the weather forecast said it would be pretty dull and miserable

-- Oh dear....
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